News & Thought Leadership

Sharing our experience and offering insights so you can see what's around the bend...then chart a path forward.

News & Thought Leadership2022-12-07T08:03:48-05:00
  • Photo of teen struggling with mental health and screenshots of BeHerd app

BeHerd promotes teen connectivity and improved mental health

Garnet River's product team is proud to announce the launch of our newest app, BeHerd—a teen-focused, teen-empowering app that makes it easier to connect, share, and listen. BeHerd is not intended to be disruptive but rather to be an added resource that reimagines how kids can seek and get support.

  • Photo of family at doctor, showing importance of states maintaining compliance with Medicaid and CHIP eligibility

Medicaid and CHIP eligibility

On August 30, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) sent a letter to all 50 states, requiring a review of their eligibility systems. The impetus for this letter: CMS determined some states’ Medicaid and CHIP eligibility systems are incorrectly configured to automatically renew people at the family level and not the individual level. Read here how this requirement and recommendations affect health plan partners.

  • Photo showing a clipboard with Medicare Enrollment for Part A, Part B, Part C, and Part D

Part C & Part D Enrollment and Eligibility Guidance

On August 15, 2023, CMS released the updated guidance for Part C and Part D enrollment and eligibility. Included with the policy and technical changes was a new MA model enrollment request form. Read about the notable updates here, as well as access links to enrollment/disenrollment instructions and forms.

  • Photo of empty computer control room, showing impact of RPA before AI

RPA before AI

In this era of digital transformation, organizations across industries are constantly seeking ways to optimize their processes, enhance productivity, and streamline operations. RPA emerges as a game-changer, providing a solid foundation for process automation and paving the way for future advancements. That’s right: RPA before AI.

  • Abstract image of brain and computer imaging, AI really revolutionary

Is AI really revolutionary?

AI is dominating headlines and causing controversy, but is AI really revolutionary? Perhaps the answer lies in looking at the landmark revolutionary moments that have preceded it—the printing press, the steam engine, and the microprocessor, among others—and determining what, if anything, AI has revolutionized. It may be more than you think.

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