Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

  • ai robot touching a human hand

The Evolution of RPA and AI: Getting to awesome


Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are distinct technologies often paired because of their complementary qualities. RPA automates repetitive and rule-based tasks. AI enables machines to perform cognitive tasks like perception, reasoning, and decision-making. Together, they can increase efficiency, reduce costs, and improve accuracy across all levels of an organization.

The Evolution of RPA and AI: Getting to awesome2024-05-20T16:17:22-04:00
  • Business process analyst sharing benefits of RPA in manufacturing in factory.

RPA in manufacturing: Streamlining production to enhance productivity and quality


Looking toward the future, the evolution of RPA in manufacturing—especially when paired with AI (automation that integrates with machine learning)—will revolutionize the sector. It will far transcend looking at processes and making them better and more efficient. Instead, it will reinvent the toolbox and pave the way for predictive maintenance, enhanced decision-making capabilities, and smart factories. Those manufacturing organizations that embrace it and do it well will define the future.

RPA in manufacturing: Streamlining production to enhance productivity and quality2024-04-15T08:48:25-04:00
  • Photo of empty computer control room, showing impact of RPA before AI

RPA before AI


In this era of digital transformation, organizations across industries are constantly seeking ways to optimize their processes, enhance productivity, and streamline operations. RPA emerges as a game-changer, providing a solid foundation for process automation and paving the way for future advancements. That’s right: RPA before AI.

RPA before AI2023-08-02T15:40:32-04:00
  • Photo of diverse work team showing positive connection between RPA, job satisfaction, and work-life balance

Empowering employees: RPA, job satisfaction, and work-life balance


While concerns about automation replacing human workers remain, organizations are increasingly turning to Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to streamline operations, improve efficiency, and drive productivity. In the process, they’re learning that not only is RPA not replacing human workers, but that RPA, job satisfaction, and work-life balance are closely related. As people are tasked with more meaningful work, they feel happier, more valued, and more productive.

Empowering employees: RPA, job satisfaction, and work-life balance2023-07-21T11:11:06-04:00
  • Photo of co-worker showing colleagues the benefits of Robotic Process Automation

Unleash opportunity: The top 5 benefits of Robotic Process Automation


At some point, most of us work on autopilot. We think, as we click “Ctrl+C” then “Ctrl+V” again and again: “There has to be a better way to do this.” And there is, and not only is it better, it's easier, cost effective, and quick to implement. Here are the top 5 benefits of Robotic Process Automation.

Unleash opportunity: The top 5 benefits of Robotic Process Automation2024-04-10T14:20:19-04:00
  • Photo of human worker standing next to robot wondering: what should I automate?

What should I automate?


Oftentimes, the RPA proof of concept (PoC) process focuses on the following question: what should I automate to demonstrate value? And that's great. After all, that's the point of a PoC. However, value sometimes gets deprioritized in favor of ease and speed, which is a mistake. Because if you want to prove value, both ROI and impact need to be high. Easy is great...but only if effective.

What should I automate?2023-05-05T13:26:21-04:00
  • Photo of human hand and robot hand, depicting RPA is worth the cost.

A minute saved, a minute earned: RPA is worth the cost


Most businesses typically measure the value or worth of technology solutions by standard return on investment (ROI) calculation. This can easily be done with RPA. However, looking at value from another angle uncovers the true potential of RPA and why it is worth bringing into your organization regardless of the (still significant) ROI calculation.

A minute saved, a minute earned: RPA is worth the cost2023-04-24T12:51:28-04:00
  • Phot of ERP specialist and process analyst seeing benefits of RPA.

Confessions of an ERP specialist: RPA is a quicker, easier solution


Change can be hard. Recognizing there is a need for change might be harder. Especially if your passion is bringing order to chaos. Here, Garnet River’s RPA practice lead, Bethany Savage, shares how her experience with ERPs has informed her approach to automation and the adoption of a “quick and easy” mindset.

Confessions of an ERP specialist: RPA is a quicker, easier solution2023-03-16T11:01:47-04:00
  • Photo of robot depicting cybersecurity operations you can automate

Four cybersecurity operations you can automate


Most CIOs expect their involvement in cybersecurity to increase over the course of 2023. Many use artificial intelligence applications for IT operations (AIOps) and security operations (SecOps) to continuously improve the security posture of their organizations. However, few of these tools enable end-to-end security operations automation, and teams are being stretched thin. Automation can support full-scale SOAR across a number of areas, including: identity lifecycle, threat detection and prevention, incident response, and audit and compliance.

Four cybersecurity operations you can automate2023-02-14T12:06:03-05:00
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