News & Thought Leadership

Sharing our experience and offering insights so you can see what's around the bend...then chart a path forward.

News & Thought Leadership2022-12-07T08:03:48-05:00
  • Photo of workforce planning consultant sharing her proposal with client.

Workforce planning: What it is and why it matters

One of the great challenges for most businesses (and economies) is the dynamic that the most in-demand skills and high-growth occupations are the toughest to hire for. Workforce planning is a proactive approach to addressing this problem. By identifying an organization's current and future talent requirements, it can aligns talent needs with business objectives and laying a foundation for growth and long-term success.

  • Photo of human worker standing next to robot wondering: what should I automate?

What should I automate?

Oftentimes, the RPA proof of concept (PoC) process focuses on the following question: what should I automate to demonstrate value? And that's great. After all, that's the point of a PoC. However, value sometimes gets deprioritized in favor of ease and speed, which is a mistake. Because if you want to prove value, both ROI and impact need to be high. Easy is great...but only if effective.

  • Photo of human hand and robot hand, depicting RPA is worth the cost.

A minute saved, a minute earned: RPA is worth the cost

Most businesses typically measure the value or worth of technology solutions by standard return on investment (ROI) calculation. This can easily be done with RPA. However, looking at value from another angle uncovers the true potential of RPA and why it is worth bringing into your organization regardless of the (still significant) ROI calculation.

  • Photo of journal with three approaches to meet demands of growth: optimize, automate, outsource staffing

To improve productivity, outsource staffing operations

We’re big on automation—as a tool to improve efficiency and outcomes to the benefit of a human worker. But we’re bigger on people and know not all companies have all the resources they need at all times to meet demand and sustain growth. While automation can sometimes be the answer, often times the better answer is to outsource. This is particularly true with staffing, which is hard to do and even harder to do well.

  • Photo depicting that modern technology stool has three legs--data, analytics, and cybersecurity

Data, analytics, and cybersecurity are the legs of the modern technology stool

If you listen to organizational leaders across any industry, it’s not uncommon to hear them say: “We are a technology company that does banking…or health care…or manufacturing.” And it’s true. Technology is at the core of how most organizations operate, and data, analytics, and cybersecurity are the three legs that hold it up. When combined effectively, they create a powerful framework with numerous benefits, from improved decision making to improved efficiency and an enhanced customer experience.

  • Photo of computer showing logo of CMS program audit

Is your CMS program audit ready for 2023

Annually, open enrollment activities are a true performance test of your company’s systems and processes. Challenges faced during open enrollment can lead to significant compliance risks for your organization as it enters the CMS 2023 Program Audit time of year.

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