News & Thought Leadership

Sharing our experience and offering insights so you can see what's around the bend...then chart a path forward.

News & Thought Leadership2022-12-07T08:03:48-05:00
  • Abstract image of brain and computer imaging, AI really revolutionary

Is AI really revolutionary?

AI is dominating headlines and causing controversy, but is AI really revolutionary? Perhaps the answer lies in looking at the landmark revolutionary moments that have preceded it—the printing press, the steam engine, and the microprocessor, among others—and determining what, if anything, AI has revolutionized. It may be more than you think.

  • Photo of diverse colleagues depicting how technology can close the accounting workforce gap

There’s a growing accounting workforce gap, technology can help close it

Most people have a love-hate relationship with technology. But when done right, technology is a resource that maximizes—not diminishes—the value of the worker. This can be especially true when looking at the growing accounting workforce gap. Think of it this way: technology can do “X” and “Y” so Sally in Accounting can do “Z.” It makes technology not an either/or proposition but a win-win.

  • Photo of diverse work team showing positive connection between RPA, job satisfaction, and work-life balance

Empowering employees: RPA, job satisfaction, and work-life balance

While concerns about automation replacing human workers remain, organizations are increasingly turning to Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to streamline operations, improve efficiency, and drive productivity. In the process, they’re learning that not only is RPA not replacing human workers, but that RPA, job satisfaction, and work-life balance are closely related. As people are tasked with more meaningful work, they feel happier, more valued, and more productive.

  • Vector graphic of cloud services against a blue background

Choose the right cloud services and MSP provider

Despite many businesses moving to cloud services and contracting with MSPs, the true benefits of both are often misunderstood or underutilized. From performance, to security, to cost efficiency, each can support and transform business operations, and when paired, offer the perfect combination of capability and execution needed to drive long-term success.

  • Graphic image that suggest the question: what does AI do

What does AI do?

Most admit AI is revolutionary. Still, many say: "So what?" Then ask: "What does AI even do?" Garnet River's research team has been asking the same question. Even if indirectly, AI changes everything. It's the rare employee who can combine hard work with brilliance to develop game-changing solutions. Here are the the top 7 ways we think it will change commerce—and quickly.

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