Case Study
The Practice
Information Technology & Security
The Client
A key financial agency of the State of New York
The Challenge
The agency has a large legacy Information Technology environment that developed over decades without a long tern architectural perspective. This has led to an organization structure that is siloed and enables significant shadow IT operations within the agency.

The Solution
Garnet River is working with the executive management team to develop a documented and consistent vision of the IT organization. Working to promote internal communication, providing review of application and system designs, and providing standards for a variety of subjects, we have begun the motion toward a planned and vision driven future for the agency’s IT organization.
The Impact
Providing guidance, counseling, and technical expertise, Garnet River has enabled the implementation of standardized enterprise architecture and an improved security profile. The inclusive nature of this process has invested the operational staff with a greater sense of responsibility for their actions, and a true investment in the success of the agency.