Case Study
The Practice
Human Resources
The Client
A large European Company with a desire to build a US footprint with their advanced portable power supplies.
The Challenge
Build HR from the ground up for an aggressive initiative to support the US workforce in a “start–up” mode.

The Solution
Create the framework for HR to support the Recruiting; Benefits; Administrative Policies; Vendors and Carrier relationships needed. Build the policies, procedures and platforms needed in support of Payroll; Benefits Administration; Employee Data Management; and Compliance.
The Impact
A full time HR Recruiting incumbent was hired to aggressively staff and ramp up the Sales, Marketing and Technical Support roles. Our HR Consultant took on the role of creating all necessary alignments with Brokers; Carriers; Vendors; and Consultants, assessing the best options and facilitating the build out of relationships.
The results have been amazing with success in hiring a large number of staff with many more to come. In addition to creating all of the HR framework to support the organization as it continues to grow.